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小学五年级英语作文:the big day

[03-15 18:09:20]   来源:http://www.jxzl8.com  五年级英语学习   阅读:9986

概要:t love english study .I have no chance to be a school student but i believe hard work can equal to the smart. There were only two creature that can get the top of the high point the eagle and the snail .The eagle may get the target very easily but the snail is much more difficult but if there a friend who can do him a favor maybe he can get the point more easy .The name of my essay is the big day ,for i am on the way to make friend on this day .A friend in need is a friend indeed .英语作文在小学英语考试中占的分值比例较大,如何写好英语作文,成为小学师生和家长关注的重点。www.jxzl8.com小学频道为同学们整理了一些小学五年级英语作文范文,希望对同学们有所帮助。

小学五年级英语作文:the big day,http://www.jxzl8.com

小学五年级英语作文:the big day

I am very happy that i find the webside of the English study room this noon . I am a self-taught student and i dream i can make a lot of friends that love english study .I have no chance to be a school student but i believe hard work can equal to the smart. There were only two creature that can get the top of the high point the eagle and the snail .The eagle may get the target very easily but the snail is much more difficult but if there a friend who can do him a favor maybe he can get the point more easy .

The name of my essay is the big day ,for i am on the way to make friend on this day .A friend in need is a friend indeed .


标签:五年级英语学习五年级英语试卷-教案小学学习 - 小学英语学习 - 五年级英语学习

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